Check your Free Trial

Michiel Avatar

Get more users converted from Trial to Paid customers

A fresh pair of eyes with lots of experience in the Trial to Paid area

We have checked more than 50 SaaS B2B user onboarding trial flows. Sign-up and you receive a full check-up on your user onboarding flow. Starting with your marketing website; the message, and the Call-to-Action (CtA). How is the experience of your sign-up page for the subscriber? And when this is done, how is the product experience for users when they enter the product for the very first time?

Let us run through your Free Trial user onboarding flow and have this onboarding flow checked on 9 main points that include at least an expert look at:

  • Friction
  • Time to value
  • Activation 
  • Guidance
  • Conversion
  • Product
  • Email
  • In-app messages
  • Signals

What do you get?

You will receive a video that contains remarks and suggestions starting from the website through the sign-up page, followed by the first customer experience with your product.

10 tips to improveYou will definitely receive 10 or more expert suggestions to improve the flow of your website to sign-up & sign-up to the first user experience.



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